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Partner Perspective - UNH Cooperative Extension

Our thanks to the UNH Cooperative Extension partners who bring community and science education into focus for TRRE Residents.

Claes Thelemarck - STEM Education Field Specialist, Carroll County

Claes has been teaching TRRE Graduates a science inquiry class as a part of TRRE induction. He also was instrumental in enabling TRRE to connect with the community at the Sandwich and Fryeburg Fairs. Claes is responsible for promoting science education and youth development through the NH 4-H program. He helps volunteer leaders build and run 4-H clubs throughout Carroll County and helps run county 4-H events including 4-H programs at both the Sandwich and Fryeburg Fairs. Claes specializes in science education, where he helps train 4-H volunteers and afterschool professionals in science curricula and science teaching techniques with a focus on inquiry-based science.

Heidi Barker - Healthy Living Field Specialist,Community Health & 4-H

Heidi Barker
Heidi has enjoyed the opportunity to develop community partnerships for the TRRE initiative and build connections for TRRE teacher residents. Heidi is a Field Specialist with UNH Cooperative Extension in Nutrition and Healthy Living. She also serves as the State 4-H Healthy Living Coordinator providing leadership and support for this priority 4-H program area. A a Field Specialist, she collaborates with community partners to create model programs that expand access and affordability for healthy, fresh foods. This community level work is featured at local farmers’ markets, food pantries and after-school sites. Heidi also specializes in school wellness policy development providing technical assistance and training for schools in the North Country.

Christine Whiting - 4-H Program Manager, Coos County

Chris joined the Coos County Extension Office in 2012. Having been an active 4-H'er growing up then serving as a club leader while mentoring her children through 4-H, she is familiar with the 4-H program. In Coos County, she recruits new volunteers and clubs and coordinates county 4-H activities and events. Chris has a passion for Animal Science and Ecology, while working to promote STEM activities in the after-school setting. Chris has worked to identify opportunities for TRRE residents for the last two summers and secure internships within communities where they will eventually be teaching.

Karen Deighan - 4-H Program Manager, Belknap County

Karen will focus on developing community partnerships for TRRE in the Lakes Region.She has worked in education at all levels, earned her undergraduate and graduate degree from the University of New Hampshire and has ten years of experiences in 4-H. Among her many roles in 4-H, she was an organizational leader, project leader, fair judge, fair superintendent, BIG E superintendent, advisory board member and a Youth Leadership Team advisor. Karen was awarded the 2018 4-H Salute to Excellence Award for the Northeast Region.
