Lori Langlois is the Executive Director of North Country Education Services (NCES) in Gorham, NH. Her professional experience and expertise lies in regionalized educational services in rural areas. Lori is a liaison to various partners for the TRRE program. She hopes to contribute to TRRE by connecting the program and its residents to people and opportunities that further enhance the project. Rural schools are the heart of rural communities and our students are our best hope for sustaining and growing the vibrancy of these small NH towns. Strong STEM skills will only serve to help that cause and therefore TRRE’s work to develop teachers with strong mathematics and science content and pedagogical knowledge can play a vital role in moving these communities forward. In addition to boosting the number of math and science educators in rural schools, Lori anticipates the development of enduring relationships among cohort members that strengthen and expand networking amongst NH’s rural scho...
The UNH Teacher Residency for Rural Education (TRRE) newsletter, sharing news with our partners and reaching out to NH communities, organizations, families, and schools.